Camino Francis


Blessed is the one who trusts in God
And whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

Psalm 84:5

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ziburi to Pamplona

I have found this internet place by chance in the funny little streets here in Pamplona....not having any luck gettig into my emails though.  Welll where to start.  What a day yesterday turned out to be.  Every day is a mystery in that I wonder how I get to the end of it.  Have to confess I got a bus with two others from Ziburi to Larossa? of the ladies damaged her knee on the way down to a good thing i got  taxi I think!  She could only walk very slowly so we walked together ´doucement´slowly to Pamplona together. Martine is my age and French with little English so our conversation was qute interesting with my school French but we did well.  The walk to Pamplona was not exactly a walk in the park quite exacting and more mud and I took my second tumble down a slippery slope and wore a mud medal on my butt all the way to the city.  WE were boot lace deep in mud in places.

We finally hit Pamplona and got lost....coudnt find the alberque.....dont ask a Spaniard the way to anywhere....I am sure we were sent on a wild goose chase which wasnt very pleasant for Martine wthe her gammy knee.  Finally a Spanish angel rescued us and led us to the door of the monastery where we stayed the night.  The brothers there took care of Martine and made us very welcome.  This morning she was in a worse way so they were going to take her to a doctor.  I stayed with her for a while and then we said farewell.

I amazingly navigated my way through the outskirts of the city here and followed the little yellow arrows...they are a welcome sight and you just see them just at the right moment when you think you are lost again.

I am starting to get withdrawal syptoms for the English language...someone to have a good yack with.  I am not planning on going very far today but I said that yesterday and it was still five o clock before we rocked up to the alberque.  Hopefully tonight I will meet my stockbroker freind from USA at the next alberque at Cizur Menor.  She used to have a stockbroking business in the twin towers when the 7/11 happened.  It turned her life up side down.....hence the Camino for her.  WE had some good laughs together yesterday.
Gee its good to laugh...I feel I havent had such a good laugh for ages. This whole walk is so crazy but I am loving every minute of it.  I have two pairs of socks hanging on the side of my backpack drying and walking through this city and I couldnt care less ha Ha.

Well better go to all....Oh! I have been leaving little prayers stones at all the crosses along the way for my sick and injured friends.  You are all in my prayers.  Ultreya e suseya! Onward and Upward to Santiago!

1 comment:

jbp said...

Well done Jo, living in the moment gal!
sending you poisitive vibes and best prayers
keep being open maybe the plan is the Way or could that be the way is the plan?

love that you are iving with the wobbles, LOL soo cool..
luv John