Camino Francis


Blessed is the one who trusts in God
And whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

Psalm 84:5

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ronsevellas to Zeburi - 20 kms

This has been the most exhausting day but feel so proud that I managed to walk 20 kms.  I thank god for my  walking pole, my wonderful new boots and my beautiful feet....I would kiss them if I could reach that far. But I am so weary now and sooooo stiff.

Am at the municipal hostel with a bunch of Asian people so not much sharing tonight though I have met a lovely lady from USA and a French lady who damaged her knee going down into Ronscavellas. I have lost Irene and Magda and left them way back up the road.   The walk was unbelievably tough....mud, mud, and more mud.  I walked up the middle of streams and had my first fall navigating down a slippery slope.  A gallant Frenchman happened to pass by and helped me up so that was worth it ....Ha ha!!

Will blog as can.....this experience is not to be missed.


Kiwi Nomad said...

Go well Jo! Can imagine how bad the mud was. Hope it dries out a little, but am sure you are going to 'enjoy' it whatever!

Anonymous said...

Jo you deserve to be proud, you rock girl
Walk in God's peace lass
hugs to you