Camino Francis


Blessed is the one who trusts in God
And whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

Psalm 84:5

Friday, May 14, 2010


Where to much to say...I am full of words....Two days since last post.   Travelled 17 kms yesterday and was totally exhausted by the end of it...never felt so tired.  The day was brutal...first of all got my first blister.

Had only travelled 500 mts from alberque when I felt something odd with my second toe...thought I,d better check it quick as maybe my sock wasnt right...anyways it seemed to be OK so kept going...3 kms on thougth I,d bette chek again ...was raining by now and windy...but a bench under a tree appeared and i took the chance to look at my foot ...what a performance in the rain....well there it was the biggest blister....on with the second skin...thank you Thelma and a foam toe protector and i kept going ...seemed to be date it is still there but not causing major probs.  Climbed my first mountain after the Pyrenees called Alto del Perdon ¿The Mountain of Forgiveness? It was a brutal climb but jus twhen you think you cant go another step we reached the top.  There was a prayer stone thingo with a big step up to it but I didnt have the strength to get up there so I threw my prayers stones up into it.....sorry guys, Sue, Rex, Bernie and John....your stones are on the top of a mountain forever.  Finally made it to Obanos a couple of kms short of where I would have liked to stay but the energy just wanst there.  Stayed at an OK alberque with a log was freezing there....never imagined it would be that cold.  Was too cold and stiff to go to a restaurant so had instant soup made in microwave and a small galss of vino tinto shared by one of the other pilgrims.  The comeraderie is just wonderful.  Slept quite well with no night noises nearby.  Thought I,d lost my camera next morning after i,d packed all my back pack up was so upset with myself and as a last minute effort i looked under the bed and there it was ....such a relief.....

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