Had a good stay at Mansilla at the municiapal alberque.....had the best sleep in days. The hospitalero there is somewhat of an expert on blisters so Gizzla and I along with another German had our blisters inspected. I was concerned that mine may have become infected but they were OK. Wish they felt OK but still quite tender.

Since we had time to spare we decided to walk to the town nearest to Leon about 11 kms. It proved to be very tiring...our feet have had enough. It is recommended that you get the bus from Mansilla into Leon as the route is mainly alongside the busy route into the city. I would encourage this view though many die hard pilgrims were up very early like 5.30 am to walk into the city. We have met pilgrims today who have walked over 30 kms.....I shudder!!

There were beautiful fields of wild flowers along the way which gave some inspiration to the walk in the hot sun.
The alberque here is OK with about 12 beds....we had a pleasant meal and now I am ready (again) for my bed. We are hoping to get a bus of the remaining journey into Leon.
The sun is very hot now and there is much sense in getting an early start if you are going to walk.

I caught up with the young Australina guy in Mansilla who I met way back....he was pleased to see me again...a familiar face that speaks English I think. He said he had found the journey very hard which was quite consoling to me, in fact there have been several younger people who have said the same. I suppose it is the difficulty of the terrain that puts us to the test and sharpens us up and hopefully reshapes us.
When I look back and reflect on my photos I find it hard to believe that I have walked where I have walked.
1 comment:
green with envy but very pleased for you and your achievements, welldone Jo!
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