Only six weeks to go.....training practice has been accelerating this week and walked average 10 & 1/2 kms two days in a row. Took under two & half hours so am very happy with that considering I had near enough full weight in back pack including water. Am aiming to keep total weight to six and half kgs. Seemed to manage a fairly steady pace (for me anyway) but was feeling quite weary after two hours walking without a prolonged rest. Will have to do at least that again every day!!!! The mind boggles!!! Can she do it? Yes! she can!!

There are some lovely walking paths around Cambridge...hope to discover some more in the next few weeks.
Am heading north this week to my sister's and hope to get some hill training in...that will be the big test....aiming to do 15 kms a day for at least two days.....will at least prove to me I can do it. Will pack a picnic lunch and eat with the sheep Baa Baa!! Lamb season too!
Looks like you're getting in the training Jo and that will really benefit you.
Looking forward to following your journey.
Bonne route
Thanks Nell....this is going to be such fun!
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